December 11, 2013
And here we are with the optimized for the iPad version of theGames: Kindergarten Math Standands! We are really excited to have this update up and running.
A lot of great updates are included in this version. We consulted with dozens of beta testers to see what worked for them, and what didn't.
Turns out, Kindergarteners really do need some voice instruction. The app is still meant to be self-explanatory, and self-correcting, but now the option to hear the questions asked is available.
Even though our daughters really liked the ragtime jazz music, about three-fourths of our other users did not. . . I guess that's a sign to just go and change the music! Now there is some more soothing Mozart-esque music. Of course, the music can always be turned off.
With the added screen area of the iPad, we are able to have a place where the question that theGame is asking is always visible. Hopefully this is encouraging to young learners and provides a gentle reminder of how to solve each question.
Teachers and parents will now see an improved explanation of how theGames work and extended resources.
Already we are busy at work with theGames: First Grade Math Standards! Look for it at the beginning of 2014. Topics will build on what is included in the Kindergarten level, along with money, time, temperature, place values, and more advanced operations and mathematical symbols.
We welcome your input and feedback - please do contact us with questions and comments! info (at)