theGames is now Beyond Cats!

August 28, 2014

theGames is now Beyond Cats!

Big news. . . we decided to change the name of our series of Math Practice apps to Beyond Cats! This is going to tie into how we present our next level of apps for Grades 3, 4 and 5. 

Other exciting news is that we have translated the apps into Spanish, French, German, Swedish, Dutch and Portuguese. Wow, was that ever a process for the two of us! Our daughters are learning how to read the written words of numbers in 6 different languages - they think it is great fun. 

It's going to be a soft launch for the languages. It already is quite apparent that we need a little help smoothing out the edges of a few of the languages. Many thanks to the personal and developer friends that are helping us out with the final round of translations.

Exciting to start up the new school year. Our daughters will be in the 4th and 2nd Grades this year. 
